Polc: (Közös adat)(10 Kötet)
  [HunMark letöltés] [HunMark ellenőrzés]
Cím: Grove's dictionary of music and musicians
Közrem.: Blom, Eric (szerk.)
Szerz. közl: edited by Eric Blom
Kiad. jel: Fifth edition
Kiadás: London : Macmillan, 1954-1961
Kötetei: Grove's dictionary of music and musicians Volume I, A-B
Grove's dictionary of music and musicians Volume II, C-E
Grove's dictionary of music and musicians Volume III, F-G
Grove's dictionary of music and musicians Volume IV, H-K
Grove's dictionary of music and musicians Volume V, L-M
Grove's dictionary of music and musicians Volume VI, N-Q
Grove's dictionary of music and musicians Volume VII, S-So
Grove's dictionary of music and musicians Volume VIII, Sp-Vio
Grove's dictionary of music and musicians Volume IX, Vir-Z
Grove's dictionary of music and musicians [Volume X], Supplementary Volume to the Fifth Edition
Eto: 78(03)=20
Szakjel: 780
Cutter: G 68
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