Polc: (Könyv) (1 Példány)
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Cím: Four Meals for Fourpence
Alcím: [a heartwarming tale of family life in London's old East End]
Szerző: Foakes, Grace (1901-1979)
Közrem.: Goldsworthy, Johanna (szerk.)
Szerz. közl: Grace Foakes
Kiadás: London : Virago Press Ltd., 2012
Eto: 820-94=20
Tárgyszó: angol irodalom ; visszaemlékezések ; önéletrajz
Cutter: F 65
ISBN: 978-1-84408-903-1
Nyelv: angol
Oldal: 281 p.
Kivonat: Grace Foakes wrote three books about her life: Between high walls, My Part of the River, and My Life with Reuben. The first two were about her childhood in the East End of London before the First World War and the third describes the life she, Reuben and her children led, ending shortly before Reuben died. Four meals for fourpence combines the first two books and part of the third.
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