Fantasie in C minor, K. 396 [hgf.] ; Andante and Fugue in A major/A minor, K. 402 [hgf.] ; Andante cantabile in D major, K. 15 [hgf.] : from the London Sketch-book ; Molto allegro in G major, K. 72a [hgf.] : Veroneser Allegro ; Gigue in G major, K. 574 [hgf.] : Leipziger Gigue ; Adagio in B minor, K. 540 [hgf.] ; Overture in C major, K. 399 [hgf.] ; Fantasie in D minor, K. 397 [hgf.] ; Prelude in C major, K. 284a [hgf.] = Capriccio, K. 395 ; Andante in F major, K. 616 [hgf.] ; Church sonata in C major, K. 336 [hgf.] ; Twelve variations on Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman, K. 265 [hgf.]