Példány adatok  
Richard, Cliff : 20 hits you missed ¦ Do you wanna dance ¦ Gee whiz, its you ¦ Please don't tease ¦ On the beach ¦ In the country ¦ I'm the lonely one ¦ Wind me up ¦ Nine times out of ten ¦ Throw down a line ¦ It'll be me ¦ All my love ¦ Mean streak ¦ My kinda life ¦ Blue turns to grey ¦ Time drags by ¦ Hey, Mr. Dream-Maker ¦ A girl like you ¦ The only way out ¦ I'm lookin' out the window ¦ Shooting from the heart (cop. 1985)
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Halis István Városi Könyvtár Nagykanizsa 
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1.Hanglemeztár - HELYBEN HALLGATHATÓ785.8H/3577Nem kölcsönözhető
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