Példány adatok  
Shore, Howard : The Lord of the Rings [hgf.] ¦ The prophecy [hgf.] ¦ Concerring Hobbits [hgf.] ¦ The shadow of the Past [hgf.] ¦ The treason of Isengard [hgf.] ¦ The Black Rider [hgf.] ¦ At the sign of the prancing pony [hgf.] ¦ A knife in the dark [hgf.] ¦ Flight to the ford [hgf.] ¦ Many meetings [hgf.] ¦ The council of Elrond [hgf.] ¦ The Ring goes south [hgf.] ¦ A journey in the dark [hgf.] ¦ The bride of Khazad Dum [hgf.] ¦ Lothlorien [hgf.] ¦ The Great River [hgf.] ¦ Amon Hen [hgf.] ¦ The breaking of (2001)
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Halis István Városi Könyvtár Nagykanizsa 
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1.Audio CDCD 1507237407Nem kölcsönözhető
Halis István Városi Könyvtár
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