The music of the Senufo [hanglemez] ¦ Xylophone orchestra ¦ One-stringed harps ¦ Drums of the women ¦ Flute ensemble of the chief ¦ Men's song in the Poro language ¦ Percussion instruments of the women ¦ Trumpet orchestra ¦ Dance of young people ¦ Song with iron rasps ¦ Song of three young women ¦ Orchestra for farm workers ¦ Song of a woman grinding millet ¦ Dance of the Poro initiates ¦ Masked figures of the Poro ¦ Funeral rites for a member of the Poro ([s.a.])
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Info |
Halis István Városi Könyvtár Nagykanizsa : 1 Nem kölcsönözhető | 1. | Hanglemeztár - HELYBEN HALLGATHATÓ | 785 M 96 | H/1040 | Nem kölcsönözhető |
Halis István Városi Könyvtár
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